Turn up the terps!

Turn up the terps!

It’s no secret that humic substances are great friends of our dear old the girl, the cannabis plant. When Plant Elixir started out, ganja (slang for marijuana in sunny South Africa) growers were our first enthusiastic customers, because everyone knows these guys and gals are backyard biologists!

They knew exactly what the benefits of fulvic and humic acid are for Mary-Jane, and we’ve done some great business with this part of our family.  So, what are the benefits exactly, which can be applied to any plant really?

A 2021 article cites a study done by a fulvic acid company with placed a control group next to a sample of plants which utilised FA and the results were quite amazing.

Being fed with FA meant that “by the third week in vegetative growth, the plants showed distinct advantages in growth rate, height, size, number of leaves, leaf size, and water consumption. By the ninth week, the cannabis crop… was 20% taller than the control group with, a substantially higher number of flowering sites”. 

But here’s the interesting part… by the end of the 12th week, “each crop showed nearly equal THC content but the plants watered (with fulvic) tested with 11.8% more terpenes along with 20.9% higher yield”.

So don’t forget to factor fulvic and humic into your mad scientist lab when you are growing your lovely plants.

Remember that you don’t have to just exclusively use FA and HA for your grow, but as an additive it really is one of the best ways to get nutrients to your roots and plants. The chelating effect of FA sucks ALL the goodness up into a plant in a way that it cannot do on its own.

Humic acid (HA) is simply a winner for your soil and as an additive (it sucks all the nutrients in the soil towards the root ball and retains moisture) and if you are growing in an aquaponics set up.

Until next time… Grow forth and Conquer!

Photo by Ryan Lange on Unsplash



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