Hydroponics and Aquaponics with fulvic and humic acid

Hydroponics and Aquaponics with fulvic and humic acid

As people increasingly look towards a more sustainable approach to growing, so the idea of hydroponic systems become more and more attractive. There are always loads of questions coming from our customers about hydroponics and fulvic and humic acid (aka humates) ­– is there space for both products in a hydroponic system?

Science in Hydroponics observes that “since humic acids are a very important component of enriched soils and can be used in soilless culture, people have started using them as supplements in soilless and pure hydroponic culture”.

Fulvic acid, of course, is also great, because its soluble at both acid and alkaline pH values, and because the molecule is smaller in size, its more accessible to plants.

Plant Elixir has recently had the pleasure of working with the incredible Sweetwaters Aquaponics based in the Eastern Cape and were so excited to do so, because of course aquaponics is the practice of integrating fish with growing crops, and this was a new space for us.

We are so stoked to find out that using our products there has been a great success! Shannon Booth, the Master Grower here at Sweetwaters, is the only licensed Aquaponic cannabis grow in Africa, and one of two in the world.  

He had this to say about our fulvates and humates: “Elixir is essential for aquaponic grow as it adds vital life-giving micro-organisms to the water. We are able to replicate the nutrient rich molecular structure of soil, without the harmful pathogens and contaminants in the water. Elixir ensures even nutrient uptake, strength and yield with added life!

Shannon mentioned that his plants are “reaching for the sky” on Plant Elixir, and he even has “increased fish health. There’s even better (plant) uptake when used as a foliar spray too. Compliments all our grows immensely ­- ground, grow bag, and aquaponics”.

For those of you who are ambitious enough to be running an aquaponics system like Shannon, next we’ll be talking about the benefits of fulvic and humic acid when it comes to our fishy friends!

Go forth and conquer!

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